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Sunday, 31 December 2017

Violent Video Games Have Impact on the Brain

Players of Violent Video Games Show Signs of Brian Changes Linked to Aggression

May 25, 2010 (New Orleans) -- Young, healthy men who play a lot of violent video games over a long period of time show distinct changes in brain activity that correlate with aggressive behavior, preliminary research suggests.

A number of studies have linked frequent use of violent video games such as Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt to aggressive tendencies in kids. But other studies have found no such link.

There has been little research into whether the games have an impact on brain function.

The new study involved 14 young men, average age 25, who said they played violent video games an average of five hours a day for at least two years, and 14 young men of similar ages who didn't play violent video games.

All participants filled out a standard questionnaire used to gauge aggression and underwent MRI imaging of the brain while relaxed and with their eyes closed.
The findings were presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association.
Video Games and Aggression

Results showed the players of the violent games had substantially higher scores on the aggression questionnaire. And they showed increased activity in the brain's default mode network -- a series of connected areas that work hardest when most of the brain is at rest -- compared with the non-players.

High activity in the default mode network indicates reduced cognitive activity during resting periods, says researcher Gregor R. Szycik, PhD, of Hannover Medical School in Germany.

Statistical analysis showed the increased activity in the default mode network correlated with higher scores on the aggression questionnaire, he tells WebMD.

The work is very preliminary and does not show that violent video games lead to aggressive behavior, Szycik says. If there is a link, "we don't know which comes first, the aggression or the violent game playing."

"The work is a nice step in the right direction, using a novel approach to look at the impact of video games on human behavior," says Donald Hilty, MD, co-chair of the committee that chose which studies to highlight at the meeting. Hilty is a professor of psychiatry at the University of California, Davis.
"It suggests that when you stop a high-intensity activity, you might not be the same as usual. It's not like you'll go out and shoot someone, but your mental skills may not be quite as sharp, just like when you watch too much TV," Hilty tells WebMD.

Moderation is key, he says. "If you do anything too much, even exercise, you'll run into trouble."
This study was presented at a medical conference. The findings should be considered preliminary as they have not yet undergone the "peer review" process, in which outside experts scrutinize the data prior to publication in a medical journal.

Action Video Games Help Decision-Making

Fast-Paced Video Games Help People Make Quicker Decisions, Researchers Say
Sept 13, 2010 -- Action video games teach you to think and act quickly and accurately inside and outside of the box, according to a new study in Current Biology.

People who played action video games for 50 hours were just as accurate and significantly faster at making decisions, compared to gamers who played strategy-oriented or role-playing video games for the same amount of time. And this prowess was evident on non-game-related tasks that called for quick decision-making, the study showed.

"Action video games are fast-paced, and there are peripheral images and events popping up, and disappearing," says study researcher C. Shawn Green, PhD, a postdoctoral associate at the Kersten Computational Vision Lab at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Green was at the University of Rochester, N.Y., when the new study was conducted.

"These video games are teaching people to become better at taking sensory data in, and translating it into correct decisions," he says. In brain labs, this ability is called “probabilistic inference,” and it refers to how we process the information we have when we need to make a snap decision.

"There is always some uncertainty about what is going on," Green says. "Our eyes don’t take in everything and our ears don't either, so you take the sensory data that you have, and make a decision based on the probability of being right.”
Action Games Improve Decision-Making Speed

In the new study of 18- to 25-year-old non-gamers, one group played 50 hours of action-packed video games, while the other played a slow-moving strategy game for the same amount of time. Participants were then asked to perform two specific decision-making tasks in the lab. The first task involved determining whether a bunch of moving white dots were going right or left. The second task measured their ability to tell if a single pitched tone was heard in their right or left ear while wearing a pair of headphones that emitted white noise.

"Action video games help you make faster decisions across the board because you are learning to translate what you are seeing or hearing into correct probability," Green says.
"Action gamers are not trigger happy or impulsive," he says. "They press the button faster, and are just as accurate," he says.

This quality is beneficial for people in the military or police officers who must think quickly on their feet with little margin for error, he says.

"The new results are consistent with previous studies done by this excellent group of researchers and also with
results from our lab," says Ian Spence, PhD, a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto.

"First-person shooter games can change the brain, improving several low level perceptual functions, sometimes dramatically," he says. Perceptual functions are the various brain functions involved in seeing, hearing, smelling, he says.

"Once we get a better handle on what is going on we may be able to offer guidelines for game design that
retain the perceptual training features of first-person shooter games, but without the violence that discourages some people from playing these games," he says.

Moderation Is Key

"We knew that there were hand-eye coordination benefits to video games, and now we know there are decision-making benefits with these games too," says Edward Hallowell, MD, a psychiatrist and the founder of the Hallowell Centers in New York City and Boston.

"It's the quickness of these action games, not the content," he says. "You have to make decisions and manipulate your fingers in a heartbeat."

The reason video games get a bad rap is not the games per se, Hallowell says. "It is when they are played to the exclusion of all other activities."

Friday, 22 December 2017

The Hunger Game

Whether real or perceived, “hunger” is a very powerful feeling that can cause us to eat more than usual… even eat things we would never dream of. What originally was reserved as a signaling mechanism that our fuel tank was getting low is now artificially spurred on by enticing smells, food photography, or even a blogger’s passion for the food he loves.

Satiety refers to the state of being full or gratified beyond the point of satisfaction. We are all on a quest for constant and consistent satiety. Hunger is an uncomfortable feeling which some can tolerate for quite some time while others experience an irrational sense that they will waste away before your eyes if they don’t eat something immediately. There are many factors that influence satiety, including signals from the digestive system to the brain. The food we eat, comprised of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and fat influence how hormones such as the glucagon-like peptide 1, peptide YY, leptin, ghrelin, and insulin are released. Stress and other emotions and physical activity can also influence hunger hormones too.

So, how can we over come both real and fake hunger?

Check your gauges. Did you just eat a little while ago? When was the last time you drank something? Yes, even being thirsty can often present itself as being hungry. If you recently ate or haven’t had liquids for some time now, drink a glass or two of cold, refreshing H2O and recheck your hunger in 15 minutes. That “feeing” should dissipate in that time and if it doesn’t, eat something!

Eat! There’s a bit of controversy on how often you should eat. Are you a “three squares a day” or a “frequent feeder” that eats every three to four hours to combat hunger? Nothing wrong with either approach, and if you need to eat every three to four hours, do so. You know your body best. Just make sure that you’re not eating out of boredom. And don’t eat just anything: There are foods that science suggests do a better job of controlling hunger than others.

What to eat? Five best hunger-busting foods.

The amount of energy (calories) in a food or meal and the composition of a single food or meal affects how much food we eat at one time. Out of all the nutrients, dietary fiber and protein have the strongest hunger-busting affects. Though fat takes the longest to go through our digestive tract, it also has the least satiating value when compared to carbs and protein. An overall balanced diet combined with physical activity was found to have the greatest influence on controlling hunger according to a study in the Obesity Reviews journal. Look to these foods, as part of a balanced diet, to help smack down hunger.

Lean protein: 70% of the protein in the American diet comes from animal and fish sources. Studies show a high-protein meal can increase satiety for people whose normal diet is low in protein. Lean meats, without skin and cooked with little added fat, are excellent options. Some studies show that eating fish does a better job on satiety compared to an equal portion of lean meat or poultry.

Greek Yogurt: This yogurt is tangier and creamier than regular yogurt and its thickness is due to its being strained extensively to remove the liquid whey and lactose, which results in about twice as much protein and half as much sugar as regular yogurt. Greek yogurt contains protein as casein and whey, both of which have been found to positively affect satiety. The hunger-lowering effects of dairy proteins may be caused by hormones released after their digestion.

Soy: Lean animal proteins are not the only game on town. Vegetarian protein sources such as soy, wheat gluten (seitan), and other meat substitutes do a fine job on hunger, too! A study in the journal Appetite showed that eating tofu, compared to a similar caloric amount of chicken, was associated with lower food intake at the following meal.

Beans: The three basic categories of beans are snap beans (such as string beans), shell beans (including lima beans and peas), and dry beans (like garbanzo and black beans), which are all nutrient and fiber-packed. Beans are high in protein and contain carbs that are slower to digest, which helps control blood glucose and may stimulate gut hormones to help control hunger. In one study, meals that contained lentils led to lower food intake compared to a pasta and tomato sauce meal.

Chia seeds: An ounce of chia seeds has ten grams of fiber and nearly 5 grams of protein, which makes it one of the best foods to feel full. Chia has been shown to control post-meal blood glucose and also prolong satiety. When baked into white bread, study participants reported decreased appetite ratings after eating bread with chia.

Do you have foods or tricks that you use to control hunger? Share!

Monday, 11 December 2017

World of Warcraft Gold Guide - Making the Gold With Instances Using the Retro-Instancing Method

Once your level 70 your good to go as far as making some serious gold in World of Warcraft. From daily quests to elemental plateaus to mastering the Auction House. You have everything at your fingertips at level 70. That's why you need to think like a noob again.

I know, that seems contradictory, but if you think back to those low level Instances when you needed a virtual army to complete then you'll get the gist of what I mean. By the time your level 70 you can get better gear that will help you complete Instances by yourself, no more army needed. Yes, i know that sounds obvious, but a lot of WoW gamers never look back, that's a good thing for you.

To know what Instances would make you WoW gold you need to consider a few variables

What's your Class and what's you skill level. You need to match the best Instances to this information to maximize efficiency and therefore profit. You can find this information with a quick search engine query. This is because to farm Instances you'll need to handle several mobs that are elite during the Instance. You need to consider such things as the mob level and your Area of Effect specification. If you find an Instance you feel you can handle, then you can tweak your Area of Effect to get the results you need. This kind of forethought will mean that you will be able to kill more mobs at a faster rate, which means more loot and possibly more valuable drops. Obviously you'll need to take some stuff like food, water, and potions so that you can really spend some quality time getting everything out of the Instance. Remember that the more consecutive times you keep doing the Instance, the more the chances are that you'll get that rare drop. You'll really want those rare drops. I'll explain that a little further along.

World of Warcraft Instances are not there for the taking to be had whenever you want, let me explain. You need to be aware of a couple of things. You are only allowed five Instances per hour. That means if you kill the boss to get its loot that you only get five tries. That goes for all your characters so no cheating with multiple characters. Always make sure you start your Instance with as little in your bags as possible if you intend on just killing the mobs over and over. The loot builds up and before you know it your out of slots.

Now, depending on what our find, how can you possibly profit from this tactic? Remember I mentioned those rare drops, well, I got one word for you: Twinks! Because your level is so much higher it means that you can do those Retro-Instances far faster and in far greater numbers than the Twinks can. This means a lot more rare drops for you, such as rare but lethal blades that are in high demand by Twinks. Hey, get creative, I can't just tell you everything that I know, I want you to use your imagination. The profit you can make from Retro-Instancing can make you a fortune! Good luck.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

World Of Warcraft Quests

When playing the online game World of Warcraft you need to get to know some of the basics about the world and the game play that it allows. It offers multiple professions for the characters and each one of these have certain unique benefits that can be studied and mastered.

When finding wow quests to undertake and complete you gain experience and rewards as you travel through the world. The quests form the foundation of the game and help players to explore the world and this gradually leads them into new areas as they raise the levels of the characters. The quests are a constant source of both risks and rewards for all the players and their characters as they progress through the game. There is a wide range of complex quests that will continually provide the players with engaging and worthwhile challenges and regardles of how often players can be online there are so many of them that the player will always be engrossed in the game. Some of the quests are designed to for an individual player to complete them while others require the participation of multiple players and then there are those that are relatively simple and can be completed quickly and others that can take considerably more time and skill to finish. 

Quests are quite easy to find and acquire, mostly players just simply walk up to a non-player character or NPC in the game that has an exclamation point (!) above his or her head and simply talks to them. This exclamation point that is above their heads indicates that a particular non-player character or NPC has a quest available. If they have a question mark (?) above their heads this indicates that the player needs to return to that particular NPC in order to complete their quests. Other indicators are present to let players know that a certain NPC will have quests available in the near future when they are more experience and have attained a higher level. The colour of the mark allows for certain information such as an NPC with an orange exclamation will have one or more available quests and an orange question mark means you and the NPC still have outstanding business. If an NPC has a silver exclamation mark above their head it means they have quests that will be available when your character reaches a higher level.

Quests are themed to specific areas and differ from vicinity to vicinity and many have multiple reward choices for the player to pick from, they can be accepted and completed when the player feels they have the ability, experience, level and time to spend online to complete them.

Once a quest has been accepted it will appear in the players quest log, this log is for the purpose of keeping track of all the quests you have so far encountered and whether they have been completed or not, the quest in the log is colour coded dependent upon the difficulty level of the particular quest. The actual details of each of the accepted quests including the quests requirements, which non-player character or NPC to speak with after fulfilling the requirements of the quest and the reward or rewards that will be available upon completion are easily accessible within the players log. The quests you find can be started or abandoned at any time during the game and they can also be easily be reacquired at a later date if necessary. The quests are divided up within the log and are also listed by region, this is to help players identify which ones are outstanding and still need to be completed and depending upon where the player happens to be in the World of Warcraft they can continue or put it aside until a later time and complete it when they are ready.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Learn To Play Guitar - Pinch Harmonics And Making Your Guitar Scream

In this article I'll explain how to make your guitar squeal with Pinch Harmonics. A lot of guitarists have trouble learning how to do these, but it's really a simple technique.

I'm going to touch on all types of harmonics in an effort to explain how Pinch Harmonics work when your playing the guitar.

If your like me you like to add a little expression when playing your guitar, by adding some harmonics and pinch harmonics.

To get this started we're going to go into a little detail about how the guitar strings actually work. Now I'm not going to be all technical, as that's not who I am :o)

Basically the guitar string vibrates between the nut and the bridge. If you look closely you can see the string vibrating like a sine wave.

Natural harmonics happen at the spaces along the string where the "wave" stops and starts a new one. (Not technically correct but makes sense to me this way).


This normally happens just above the 5th fret, the 7th fret, and the 12th fret wires. If you take a minute in a well lit room you can see the spots where the vibration along the string actually seems to be stopped. When you lightly touch a ringing string on these points you will get a natural harmonic chime.

Tap harmonics are simply fretting a string and moving the natural harmonic spot up accordingly. For example: If you fret the Low E String at the 3rd fret and pluck the string, your "natural harmonics" would no longer be at the 5th, 7th, and 12th frets. You would Tap the string above the 8th, 10th, and 15th fret wire to sound the harmonic. Hence the name....Tap Harmonic.

Now..to the meat of this...the all powerful Pinch Harmonic!! I say all powerful just because I love the extra expression and sound you can get from them.

To do a Pinch Harmonic you basically "Pinch" the string between your Pick and the side of your thumb that's holding the pick.

This is the way I do them and have had excellent luck with this technique.

When you strike the string you let your thumb sound the harmonic you want. It takes a bit of trial and error to find the right areas above the pickups that sound the harmonics you want, but only a little.

The best way to learn the placement is to crank up your distortion (easier to sound them), and on put your fret hand on the Low E or A String on the 5th or 7th fret as if you were playing A note or D note.

Start with your pick in about the middle of the Neck and Bridge pickups and "Pinch" the string so that when your pick sounds it your thumb immediately touches the string. This should sound a Pinch Harmonic. The motion is similar to turning the ignition in a car, just not as drastic...it's a slight "Turn" or "Pinch" on the string.

You may have to move your hand slightly higher or lower on the string to find the "sweet spots". Keep trying different areas until you get it just right.

Once you've found the spots that give the sounds you want, make a mental note of where they are. When you move your fret hand higher or lower on the neck...the places you can hit the harmonics will move slightly. This falls in line with the way a Tap Harmonic works, so keep that in mind.

Keep practicing finding the "Sweet Spot" until you can do it each time you try. This part does take a little time and practice.

Just as a note: When you change to a different guitar, be prepared to relearn where the Pinch Harmonics sound. Every guitar I've played on has them in slightly different places. Differences in neck length, bridge placement, manufacturing tolerances all come into play.

So, that's all there is to it...Keep practicing till you get the feel for it, try adding bends and sound another one, you'll make that guitar scream like a wounded banshee in no time.

If you want to really increase your skill with Pinch harmonics after you get the feel for them, try practicing them with a clean sound. They can still be sounded and your accuracy will increase exponentially!!

Friday, 24 November 2017

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